11th edition of Fruttinfiore
The 2013 edition of Fruttinfiore is approaching.
From April 12th to 14th, Lagnasco will welcome the 11th edition of Fruttinfiore, a unique event that brings together producers and players of the sector with the public. Recognized for many years at the national level, Fruttinfiore shows and makes known the best technology in the industry with the S.T.A.O. (Salone delle Tecnologie Applicate all'Ortofrutticoltura).
Spaces dedicated to children with educational activities related to fruit, gourmet tastings, guided tours to companies... and the fourth edition of the "Camminata tra i frutteti in fiore", walk through the orchards in bloom. On these three days Fruttinfiore expects about 40,000 visitors.
Source: Fruttinfiore