Europe is a high potential market for Malaysian mangoes
Tuesday 06 April 2021
In Malaysia, the state of Perlis is well known for producing the Harumanis mango. Due to its aroma and sweet taste, it is considered one of the best mangoes in the region (Photo:
With favorable conditions for growing mangoes in Perlis state, Malaysia plans to expand production and expand exports, especially to European countries.
FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority), the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority, through its chairman Datuk Mohd Fasiah Mohd Fakeh, indicated that European countries are the target for mango exports.
"We have to evolve and look around the world so that our Harumanis mangoes can be tasted all over the world, like other fruits such as apples" underlined the president of FAMA during the event Perlis Harumanis Mango Wrapping Campaign. Specifying that these exports to European countries could take place over the next 3 to 4 years.
The state of Perlis, located in the northwest of the country, has the land and conditions suitable for cultivation to be able to develop mango production. Harumanis mangoes are the emblematic fruits of Perlis and can advantageously replace other products for export, such as rice, which is in decline.
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