Asia Fruit Logistica: High Italian participation
Monday 11 September 2017
Mrs Simona Rubbi, in charge of the opening of new markets, and Mrs Bianca Bonifacio, in charge of exhibitions and internationalization, confirm the attention of Asian operators to Italian products.
Vast stand (237m2) and presence of various major players of Italian Fruits & Vegetables which confirms the growing interest of Asian operators for Italian products.
CSO Italy led the Italian delegation and an area dedicated to "Freshness From Europe", the European project to promote products internationally (China, UAE, North America, Japan) brought together 15 companies (Alegra, Apofruit, Compagnia Italiana della Frutta, Kingfruit, Mazzoni, Oranfrizer, Origin Group, Salvi, Spreafico).
According to CSO statistics, kiwifruit exports totaled 46 000 tonnes in 2016, including 11 000 tonnes in China, the largest importer of Italian kiwifruit in Asia, 7 500 tonnes in Saudi Arabia, 6 500 tonnes in Taiwan and 6 500 tonnes tons in the UAE. In the first five months of 2017, exports to Asia reached 18 000 tonnes, of which 2 000 were in China, 3 000 in Saudi Arabia, 2 700 in India and about 2 200 in the United Arab Emirates.
Among the most exported fruits in Asia are also grapes (9,500 tons) and plums (6,800 tons). Pears and apples, as well as oranges that have just benefited from the recent opening of the Chinese market also have a strong growth potential of their volumes.