New variety of strawberries, early and very productive
Wednesday 26 February 2020
Fruits have a uniform red color, even when exposed to low temperatures or low light (Photo: civ).
CIV (Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti), specialist in varietal innovation, announces a new variety of strawberries with a very early yield and high quality.
Located in San Giuseppe di Comacchio, near Ferrara, the CIV (Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti) has been active since 1983. It is made up of 3 major Italian nurseries: Vivai Mazzoni, Salvi Vivai and Tagliani Vivai. With more than 40 years of experience, the CIV is one of the most specialized companies in the world of development and research of varieties of strawberries, apples and pears, with the aim of achieving a high level of innovation and production of certified material in Europe and worldwide.
CIVL519 is the promising new selection of strawberries that CIV is testing with excellent development prospects. Productivity and precocity are high, tolerance to leaf and root diseases is strong, including powdery mildew. The quality of the fruit is excellent.
"We are developing - explains Michelangelo, CIV breeder - with our partners new varieties of strawberries adapted to low temperatures in Italy and Spain. We are recording the first yields of the CIVL519 selection in Sicily and in the province of Huelva with astonishing results The CIVL519 ripens early compared to other varieties currently on the market, is more productive, has high quality fruits (constant size, high brix level and excellent aromatic elements), and is very homogeneous. The fruits are conical in shape regular, uniform bright red, very attractive, the pulp is consistent. The plants bear simultaneously ripe fruit, green fruit and flowers, which is the mark of a great continuity of production ".
"The results are very promising, presenting better quality and larger quantities than the earliest varieties currently on the market, with a peak in production when prices are still high, that is to say before the April production season "says Marco Bertolazzi, Business Development Manager, CIV.
source : civ it