New to Idyl : nomadic customized packaging
FJ | Idyl SAS
Idyl , with a range of customized shakers who will be declined throughout the 2015/16 campaign , offers the consumer to reconcile working life , fun snacking and balanced diet.
The 1st shaker MEDLEY season displays a visual identity revisited with colorful graphics via the codes of seduction and femininity . Endorsed by signing the umbrella brand MEDLEY is dedicated to cherry tomatoes available in the set.
For consumers, the MEDLEY shaker is convenient to take , its lid is repositioned and it provides instant rinse fruits. Radius side shakers MEDLEY pile up , preserving the flavor of cherry tomatoes and effectively protect them during their life in store.
MEDLEY shaker by IdylMixed Cherry tomatoes , packed in 250g Shaker ( 12 pieces per package ) .