Haiti wants to improve the mango sector
Friday 23 April 2010
Produced in 89 countries, mango is the 2nd fruit the most exported in the world after banana.
A forum gathering the Haitian of the mango sector and international professionals was held in Port-au-Prince this week.
This forum had to analyze the problems of the sector and investigate the solutions to increase the exports of mangoes of the country.
The exports of mangoes brought back 7,93 million dollars to the Haitian economy in 2007, according to the Bank of the Republic of Haiti.
The estimations of the national Association of the exporters of mangoes (Anem) state 10 million dollars. With these figures, mangoes dethrone the and cocoa in the foreign trade of Haiti.
But the sector knows enormous difficulties. 2 years ago, the mango of Haiti was struck by ban in certain countries for reasons bound to the bad preparation of the product.
The difficulties of transport and the conditions of storing affect the freshness of fruits.
Nevertheless, the Haitian mango is often judged as exceptional quality with regard to its competitors. The world annual production reaches more than 30 million tons, Côte d'Ivoire and Brazil can be considered as models to be followed to boost the production in Haiti.
The objective is to export 5 million boxes of mangoes a year until 2015.
To reach it, enormous investments in the sector will be needed.
source : maximini com