A teleshopping has started selling mangoes
Mango is the first fruit to be presented by a teleshopping tv channel for Indian consumers.
Home Shop 18 proposes the sale and delivery of fresh mangoes to nearly 3,000 towns and villages. The Alphonso variety is available, which is one of the most popular on the Indian market. The price is Rs.435 (6.78 €) per pack of 6 and Rs 750 (€ 11.70) per pack of 12. The freshness is guaranteed. Fruit can be ordered 24 hours a day via the TV chain or on the website.
For the TV channel, the initiative to offer fresh fruit will extend its product offer. The fruits could become a new business segment of teleshopping. A market which responds to the change of consumer demand.
source : spcie zee, indiainfoline, news one