Objective to develop organic production
Monday 02 October 2017
Great production potential for Peru which could further increase its share of international markets.
Peru wishes to stimulate organic production, with the presentation of the National Certification Regulation, the organization of the next CIAO (Comisión Interamericana de Agricultura Orgánica), which will bring together more than 20 countries on the continent and update its National Plan of Organic Production.
At the recent session of CONAPO, the National Council for Biological Products, in the presence of members of MINAGRI, the Ministry of Agriculture, was presented the Regulation on the National Certification of Organic Production. In particular, the SGP (Sistema de Garantía Participativo), the Participatory Guarantee Scheme, will benefit small farms, valuing their products with certifications at a lower cost and guaranteeing the status of organic products.
Another important announcement, Peru will host for the first time the CIAO (Comisión Interamericana de Agricultura Orgánica) Assembly, an important technical and trade platform that will bring together delegations from more than 20 countries on the continent.
Presentations of the various achievements (Arequipa, Cusco, San Martín) revealed the great potential of production and promised new market shares abroad. CONAPO stresses that the updating of the National Plan of Biological Production is a primary task.
source : connuestroperu.com, agraria.pe