Turkish potatoes : McDonald's favourite
This Turkish company for the first time in Turkey, has produced potatoes from seed of Turkish origin in 2012. In addition, it has the largest potato deposit in the world in Nevsehir, the main potatoes production region from Turkey, which allows him to divide his charges in 4. Its production capacity is around 120,000 tons , and ranked the 1st among European producers.
Supporting the campaign of McDonalds with its slogan: " The secret lies in its McDonals quality" , it provides him 4,000 tons of 11,000 total bought by the chain. Mr. Yakup Karahan , Chairman of the Board said that the priority of the company is to ensure the quality of its potatoes from the field to the consumer's plate .
They are currently exporting their potatoes to Russia , Tunisia , Azerbaijan, Egypt and Bulgaria.
Source : Milliyet