Prediction for a very good cherries harvest
Tuesday 03 July 2018
Germany is expected to harvest 44,300 tonnes of cherries this year, up by 49% from the average production volume in the last 10 years.
In Germany, DESTATIS the Federal Statistical Office predicts a high output of cherries, according to estimates the 2018 harvest will be 49% higher than the average of the last 10 years.
According to a DESTATIS estimate, the German Federal Statistical Office, the total production of cherries could reach 61 100 tonnes. The volume of sour cherries totaled 16,800 tonnes and the volume of sweet cherries 44,300 tonnes. Compared to the average of the last 10 years, the harvest of sweet cherries should be 49% higher.
In the country sweet cherries are grown on about 6016 hectares. The most important growing areas are in Baden-Württemberg (2756 hectares), Rheinland-Pfalz (653 hectares) and Bayern (564 hectares).
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