7th edition of Rungis Interviews
Tuesday 10 September 2013
Urban logistics that involves bringing in the best conditions the flow of goods, concentrates many issues (sustainable development, waste management ...).
Challenges and prospects of logistics costs in urban areas.
The Rungis International Market organizes on Monday, September 30 the 7th edition of "Rungis". Theme: logistics costs in urban areas. State of sites and key issues, perspectives, research of solutions to meet the expectations of all stakeholders (professionals, public authorities, citizens and consumers).
Interviews will be held in thematic round tables intervening professionals, institutions and experts:
- Round Table 1: State of stes and challenges of urban logistics
- Round Table 2: Examples of good practices abroad, with the testimony of several professionals, including General Director of New Covent Garden Market of London.
- Round Table 3: What are the prospects for urban logistics costs?
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