FRIGOREXPRESS transportation setting up in Provence
FJ | Frigorexpress S.a.
New line PROVENCE-BENELUX with the implementation of Frigorexpress in Plan d'Orgon (13).
The Belgian company FRIGOREXPRESS, installed for about 3 years in Perpignan, opened its second agency in France in Plan d'Orgon (13). Specialized in the transportation of fruits and vegetables from Perpignan (Market St Charles) to the Benelux, the company is now develops in Provence where it offers its services to local shippers: daily departures from southern France to Luxembourg, Belgium and Holland, A to B.
"This installation will allow us to support our Belgian and Dutch customers throughout the year in their purchases of fruits and vegetables, but also provide transportation solutions to shippers of Provence wishing to export their products," says Sébastien Quantin, the head of the agency of Plan d'Orgon.