Mangoes production in decline due to cold weather
Thursday 02 September 2010
Cold weather has slows down agricultural production and has damaged mangoes harvests which should fall from 15 to 25 %.
South America has just known several cold temperatures which are going to make some losses on the agricultural production.
Winter in the southern hemisphere was particularly rigorous in several Latin American countries. So, even a country as Ecuador is going to undergo losses.
The cold slows down the agricultural production. Originally planned for the end of September, mangoes harvest will have about 3 weeks of delay.
The cold should also cause a decline of the production from 15 % to 25 % according to regions.
Producers estimate the next harvest (from October 1st till January, 2011) at approximately 8,5 million boxes of fruits. In 2009, the country had exported 10 million boxes of 4 kilos for a total amount of 25 million dollar.
Source: diario hoy, agritec, agroeconomica