Saint-Charles Export General Assembly: update on large-scale actions and projects
Wednesday 07 October 2020
The 14th General Assembly of Saint-Charles Export, chaired by Mr. Julien BATLLE, was held in strict compliance with sanitary rules (Photo: saintcharlesint).
Held in strict compliance with health rules, the 14th General Assembly of Saint-Charles Export was an opportunity to review the results of 2019, to take stock of the actions carried out in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to discuss various projects, in particular "Saint-Charles 2020-2040".
Members of the Group (Financial Institutions, Professional Associations and Unions, Territorial Communities, Consular Chambers) discussed current issues of the platform and the fruit and vegetable, transport and logistics sectors. The results of the year 2019 have been retraced. The usual meetings (MEDFEL fairs in Perpignan and FRUIT ATTRACTION in Madrid) could not be held in 2020, and being able to meet is greatly lacking in the profession today.
Saint-Charles Export has taken action in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pooling for the purchase of surgical masks (812,000) and hydroalcoholic gels (2,321 liters). Donation of FFP2 masks and 5 collections in favor of nursing staff at Perpignan hospital totaled more than 5 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables. Setting up of a 'Coronavirus' working group in order to centralize knowledge and recommendations as well as expertise on the various systems put in place to support businesses. All relevant information from this working group was thus disseminated to all the companies on the platform.
In terms of projection, various projects were mentioned during this General Assembly, and in particular: "Saint-Charles 2020-2040". A roadmap of the sites essential to the realization of this large-scale project had been established. Aiming to rethink the overall layout of the platform, its traffic plan, the services to be provided to users, securing access and opening up the site, parking and reception of heavy goods vehicles in the area, signage, energy mix, etc.
In conclusion, Julien BATLLE declared that “our group is showing flexibility and agility. It faces the various crises by continuing and adapting its model and its actions with the sole aim of satisfying the needs of our SMEs and VSEs, and as long as this philosophy is ours, as long as we evolve in 'project' mode, Saint -Charles Export will have a bright future ahead of him and his raison d'être cannot be disputed ”.
Saint-Charles International is the leading European platform for the marketing, transport and logistics of fresh fruit and vegetables. Located in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France), it weighs EUR1.95 billion in turnover and processes 1,768,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables. The flows are mainly of Mediterranean origin.