IPBM (INTERPROBERRIES Morocco) the new federation of professionals of berries
Tuesday 16 January 2018
With the aim of developing and promoting the berries sector, IPBM (INTERPROBERRIES Morocco), the new Moroccan Interprofessional Federation has just been formed in Larache.
At the roots of the launch of this new structure, AMPFR (Moroccan Association of red fruit producers) and AMCEFR (Moroccan Association of packers-exporters) who work to structure, improve and defend the sector. At the Constitutive General Assembly held in Larache, a 20-member Board of Directors was elected and Mr. Mohamed Alamouri was appointed Chair of IPBM.
In Morocco, the berries sector (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) is in full development. For the 2016/17 season, the total area devoted to berries totaled 5,363 hectares (3,050 hectares of strawberries, 1,200 hectares of blueberries, 1,100 hectares of raspberries, 13 hectares of blackberries and goji berries), and the production 162,700 tonnes for 2015/16.
The export rate reaches 75% for strawberries, 95% for blueberries and 90% for raspberries. Sent to 41 countries, Moroccan red fruits are mainly destined for the EU but also for North America, China and the Scandinavian countries.
source : lematin ma, leseco ma, infomédiaire