Peruvian scientists work towards obtaining high genetic quality material of passion fruit
In Peru, the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA) works to generate high genetic quality material of passion fruit, which will be free of phytosanitary problems and also will allow improving the quality, competitiveness and yield of the fruit. To this end, INIA performs the morphoagronomic and organoleptic evaluations of 10 promising accessions of said culture.
These accessions installed in the demonstration plots in Olmos, Piura, Barranca and Chimbote, have adapted favorably, and the Institute continues to evaluate the phenological, phytosanitary, organoleptic development, and resistance to water stress.
This research will allow to determine how to generate the improved genetic material with the quality parameters that the market demands, as well as having technologies for agronomic management, so that the farmers obtain quality and profitable passion fruit seeds and seedlings.
These works are carried out through the National Program in Fruit Trees, where scientific and agronomic research is performed for the development of technologies that allow raising the quality and conservation of export-quality passion fruit.