Vegetable consumption decreased in Switzerland
Tuesday 28 March 2017
Carrots and tomatoes are at the top of the ranking of vegetables most consumed by the Swiss.
There were fewer vegetables in Swiss plates in 2016 according to the OSAV (Federal Office of Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs) study.
In Switzerland, vegetable consumption in 2016 totaled 83.5 kg per capita, a decrease of 1.5 kg from the previous year. This trend is recorded for the first time in many years.
Industry experts believe that weather conditions were far from favorable last year. After a good start to the season, it followed a wave of cold and frost in May that resulted in losses and delays for many productions. This year, more stable climatic conditions would allow better yields to boost consumption.
Last year, domestic and imported products that the Swiss preferred were: carrots, tomatoes, peppers, iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, onions and courgettes. In domestic products: carrots, round bunch tomatoes, onions, iceberg lettuce and cucumbers.
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