The first container of Italian kiwis left for Mexico
Thursday 19 December 2019
Alessandro Zampagna (left) and Marco Salvi in front of the first shipment of Italian kiwis destined for Mexico
The first container of ORIGIN GROUP kiwifruit, destined for Mexico, left the port of Genoa.
"This is our first shipment of first quality kiwis for this new overseas market, open this season to Italian products - said the CEO of ORIGINE GROUP, Alessandro Zampagna-. This is a new step in our mission to develop markets abroad, where we want to sell our best fruits. ”
"The Italian kiwi season started positively - adds Zampagna - despite the low production this year. Last season, we exported more than 2,000 tonnes of Italian kiwi fruit, a volume that we hope to increase considerably this year. ”
In addition to Asia and Europe, ORIGINE GROUP, which has brought together major fruit companies from Italy and Chile, is penetrating the markets of the American continent.
"After this first year, where the main objective is to create commercial relationships with Mexican customers, we hope to grow in the future in a market capable of absorbing large volumes," says Zampagna.
The ORIGINE GROUP consortium was founded in 2015 by several leading companies on the international markets for the production and trading of fresh fruits and vegetables. The consortium represents companies already present on national and international markets, with a total turnover of more than $1,200 million, who have joined their resources to provide a superior product, working together on innovation and new varieties to find new emerging markets. Members of ORIGINE GROUP are the Italian groups Apofruit, Frutta C2, Gran Frutta Zani, Kiwi Uno, Minguzzi, Salvi-Unacoa, Spreafico and the Chilean groups David Del Curto and Copefrut.