Sweet cherries season starts in Ukraine
Based on the recent data, sweet cherries season has started within wholesales markets of Ukraine this week. At the current moment prices fow sweet cherries in Lviv wholesale (Western region of Ukraine) market comprise 0,8 – 1,3 EURO/kg. It stands to mention that these figures are 2 times higher comparing to the previous season numbers. According to the latest infromation, sweet cherries costs are slightly lower in Kherson wholesale market (Southern region of Ukraine) – 0,79 -1,02 EURO/kg, but current year fruits are still 3 times more expensive than last year ones. The highest prices for sweet cherries have been registered in wholesale market of Dnepropetrovsk (Eastern region of Ukraine). Basically local farmers shipp off this kind of fruits at approximately 2,5 EURO/kg. At the current moment sweet cherris are mainly avaliable in limited amounts, while next week full-scale season is predicted to start. This fact will eventually lead to sweet cherries prices drop within local market of Ukraine.