The expected volume for potato production is very satisfactory
Monday 02 May 2022
Tunisian production should exceed 250,000 tonnes of potatoes for the season period running from May to June (Photo:
In Tunisia, for the season running from May to June, the expected volume of potato production is very satisfactory and could total more than half of the annual harvest during this 2022 campaign.
According to ONAGRI (National Observatory of Agriculture), with regard to potatoes, production in Tunisia knows several seasons, the main ones being the PTS (potato of the season) and the PTAS (potato of rear -season). For the 2020-21 campaign, the production of PTS, harvested from mid-May to the end of June, was estimated at 230,000 tonnes.
This year, the production of PTS should exceed 250,000 tonnes during the seasonal period running from May to June, according to Mohamed Belhadj, secretary general of the National Federation of Potato Producers. This volume represents more than half of the annual harvest expected during the 2022 campaign.
For Mohamed Belhadj, this volume results from the various efforts of the sector in the fight against potato blight and the implementation of phytosanitary treatment operations in the fields.
In Tunisia, according to ONAGRI (National Observatory of Agriculture), the area dedicated to the cultivation of potatoes is around 27,000 hectares. Total production is around 400,000 tonnes.
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