Ripening is taken to the next level with new generation of TarpLessⓇ SX Ripening Room
As manufacturer states the TarpLess ripening room has become the number one choice in commercial ripening since it was patented over 25 years ago. Today, in Thermal Tech rooms, more than 70 percent of all bananas processed across North America are matured.
Continuous development and a strong commitment to customer service and support are key drivers of the success of Thermal Tech, but that's just part of the story. The ability of the TarpLess to deliver consistently superior, high-quality fruit, day in and day out, has been unrivaled in the industry with unparalleled reliability and unsurpassed profit.
Today, with new TarpLessⓇ SX Ripening Room with Fruit-centric Ripeningä from Thermal new era in ripening begins. "Fruit-Centric Ripening is the revolutionary control technology that forms the beating core of the TarpLessⓇ SX Ripening Room series," explains David Byrne, VP of Thermal Technologies Sales.
Information is transmitted from the fruit directly to the smart SX control system. Using this info, the system can generate and maintain the perfect temperature, humidity and airflow balance to keep uniform pulp temperatures while maximizing control and efficiency throughout each step of the maturation process.
"Quick fruit feedback helps us to fine-tune the cycle of maturation like never before," comments Byrne. "It eliminates the guesswork while providing better control and durability, particularly in rooms with multiple temperature control zones." Together with the exclusive humidification system of Thermal Tech, TarpLessⓇ SX delivers high-quality, beautifully mature fruit that looks better, lasts longer and weighs more with the same unparalleled power, guaranteed uniformity and unbeatable profitability.
"More than 70% of all North American ripened bananas are processed in TarpLessⓇ rooms," says Byrne, "and we want to make sure that we continue to build on that performance. We partner with all the big growers as well as 18 of North America's top 20 grocery retailers. It’s our firm commitment to their success that drives our innovation. TarpLessⓇ SX and Fruit-centric Ripening™ represents the ultimate achievement in that process to date.”
Thermal Tech will be showcasing their TarpLessⓇ SX system at this year’s PMA Fresh Summit, booth number 3303. Stop by to learn more or contact David Byrne directly at 803-461-7980 to visit a TarpLessⓇ ripening room installation near you. Visit their website at
At this year's PMA Fresh Summit, booth number 3303, Thermal Tech will be demonstrating their TarpLessⓇ SX. Stop by to learn more or call David Byrne at +1 803-461-7980 for a visit to a nearby TarpLess ripening place. Visit the web