China looks after the quality of its products for the World Fair
Monday 15 March 2010
View of the construction site of the World Fair which should attract 70 million visitors.
Shanghai is going to welcome a major event, the World Fair 2010, and Guangzhou the Asiatic Games; for these 2 demonstrations which are going to drain many foreign visitors, the Chinese authorities made a commitment to propose quality foodstuffs.
The services of food hygiene as well as the agricultural services strengthened their activities and joined their strengths for the construction of a system for the quality and the safety of farm produces, the improvement of the services, of controls and applications. These measures aim at assuring the quality of processed foodstuffs proposed for these 2 events.
The surveillance of the food-processing industry, recently established in China, is catching up its delay. So during year 2009, approximately 76 % of processed foodstuffs and truck product received their certificate quality.
The World Fair of Shanghai will take place from May 1st till October 31st , 2010 and should attract 70 000 visitors.
source : cri cn