Dominican entities join forces to promote organic bananas
In the Dominican Republic, the Trade Safe Project (TraSa), together with ISA University and the Association of Banana Producers (ADOBANANO), signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of strengthening the value chain of organic bananas, for export to the European Union.
The participants agreed to promote, develop and carry out a monitoring and analysis plan for pesticide residues in the plantations belonging to the members of ADOBANANO, in order to obtain data that will help producers and exporters to control the crop protection products used in their farms, and thus allow better compliance with international requirements.
The rector of the University, Ing. Benito Ferreiras, affirmed that the University, through its Food Safety and Industrial Analysis Laboratory, will be in charge of designing the monitoring plan and carrying out the required pesticide residue analysis, upon request and delivery of sample by ADOBANANO.
The director of the TraSa project, Brian Rudert, and the president of ADOBANANO, Hilario Pellegrini, committed to developing and implementing the residue monitoring plan in the organic banana plantations, as well as financing the total cost of the analyzes to be carried out in the pilot program for residue determination.
TraSa is a project executed by the International Executive Service Corps (IESC), a Dominican non-profit organization, whose goal is to strengthen the implementation of phytosanitary measures that favor the production and sales of agricultural products.