Argentina would halt the decline in exports
If the trend continues , Argentina will in 2015 realize its fourth consecutive year of decline in exports.
According to official data INDEC the amount of exports in 2015 could be between 64 000 and 66 000 million USD . An amount well below the 84 051 million USD made ??in 2011 and less than 977 million USD to the 71 recorded in 2014.
The government leading external causes : the weakening of the Brazilian economy , the slowdown in China, the slow growth of the European Union and the fall in world prices.
Professionals believe , meanwhile , that there are too many regulations for export and the urgent need to solve the foreign exchange market to improve the exchange rate and stimulate exports. Some sectors have recorded alarming results with -48 % for apple exports and -47% for exports of mandarins .
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