Berry exports to increase 12% by the end of 2022
Mexican exports of berries such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries continue to increase.
According to the National Association of Exporters of Berries (Aneberries), by the end of this year, the country will export 12% more red fruits, compared to the previous year, surpassing 584.000 tons.
Juan José Flores García, general director of Aneberries, informed that until June 16, Mexico’s berries exports reached 386.894 tons: 62.011 tons of blueberries, 67.744 tons of raspberries, 206.238 tons of strawberries, 50.900 tons of blackberries. In 2021, berries exports totaled around 462.000 tons.
95% of this supply is sent to the United States, while the remaining 5% goes to 37 other countries, both in Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
The director specified that the federal government is working towards opening markets of South Korea, India and Malaysia.