Italian strawberry promotion campaign has started
Wednesday 03 April 2019
The campaign focuses on freshness (24h from the field to the point of sale), taste and respect for the environment.
Organized by Ortofrutta Italia, the campaign to promote strawberries to encourage the consumption of Italian products, started last Monday and will run for 2 months.
The promotional campaign sponsored by Mipaaft (Ministero delle politiche Agricole alimentari, forestali and del turismo) and organized by Ortofrutta Italia started Monday 1 April and will run for 2 months. The aim is to encourage the consumption of Italian strawberries, by drawing consumers' attention to seasonality, freshness (only 24 hours from the field to the point of sale), organoleptic quality, safety and respect for the environment.
For 2 months, large retailers, wholesalers and local outlets will present informative posters to promote the consumption of Italian strawberries. The chosen period covers most of the national production which, from south to north, will be offered for consumption with maximum volumes and quality.
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