Hexagro displays new colors
FJ | Vivalya
Change in colors for Hexagro which began the mutation during the SIRHA exhibition last February.
Now it is the Hexagro website that also changes, with the adoption of new colors. Finished with black color, too austere, place to orange colore, bright and vibrant and green anise, for "nature" side and the universe of the vegetable. Modernized, streamlined and energized by these new colors, the website highlights the products and services, providing optimal "navigation" for visitors.
This new graphic chart marks a real change in the network with a communication that will ramp up in the coming months. After 18 years of service, the new logo of Hexagro will arrive.
Major player in the French market, Hexagro, network of independent distributors specialized in fruits and vegetables, holds 1/3 of the market share in the fruit and vegetables sector and manages more than 50 warehouses located throughout the country.
source : hexagro