Dole finalizes a more thrifty process in water
Costa Rica
Friday 23 April 2010
The new process of Dole allows to reduce the water consumption of more than 80 %.
Dole Food Company, Inc. announced that Dole's division Standard Fruit de Costa Rica has introduced a new system that will dramatically reduce the environmental impact of its banana harvesting and packing operations.
The innovative process, called the New Millennium Packing System, specifically targets reducing the use of water by a factor of 10 and energy use by 50%, compared to a traditional packing plant.
Faster, the new system is not using pool where bananas were normally plunged. Fruits are washed with some water recycled under high pressure, a process which uses less water.
The concept was recently widened to an operation of Dole in additional Honduras and a farm in Costa Rica will begin with the new system by the end of the year.
Applied to the regional level, this process would allow to save more than 60 million cubic meters of water.
source: business wire