Prince de Bretagne publishes 1st sustainable development report
Monday 11 June 2012
The Sustainable Development Report takes stock of actions taken by producers including Prince de Bretange'z environmental commitment of more than twenty years.
Prince de Bretange publishes its first Sustainability Report, which presents its progressive approach which the company has committed over 20 years.
The preparation of the report has done an inventory of actions taken. Prince de Bretange engage responsible farmers who are proud to use the least amount of fertilizer and pesticides.
The environmental commitment of Prince de Bretange dates back to twenty years. The four research centres are experimenting with new farming techniques to reduce fertilizer and promote
natural methods of treatment such as integrated pest management and creating new varieties resistant to diseases and requiring less pesticides.
Prince de Bretagne whether organic or conventional have chosen to collaborate and share best practices rather than oppose them. Today, 45 farms are certified Bio AB and production in 2011 was 12,300 tons, placing Prince de Bretange , as the largest producer group on the organic market in France.
Prince de Bretagne whether organic or conventional have chosen to collaborate and share best practices rather than oppose them. Today, 45 farms are certified Bio AB and production in 2011 was 12,300 tons, placing Prince de Bretange , as the largest producer group on the organic market in France.
source : prince de bretagne