Fruitylife embarked on its third year of operation
3rd year for Fruitylife project under the sign of continuity and innovation.
Fruitylife, campaign of information and promotion intended for consumers on the health and safety of European fruit and vegetables, starts its third year. After the positive results already achieved, Fruitylife will continue its work and add some new features.
Videos, to educate consumers on the European fruits and vegetables displayed on the YouTube channel of the project Fruitylife Europe. Social networks (Facebook, Twitter) will transmit content, photos, recipes, nutritional information to a wider audience. Information campaigns will continue in sales points, some 950 actions are planned in stores in three European countries involved in the project (Italy, France, Germany).
The site "" is enriched with Fruitygame, colorful quizzes that allow the visitor / customer to check the level of knowledge on fruits and vegetables and learn in a fun way to a wealth of information. A seasonal calendar of fruits and vegetables will help consumers to memorize available fruits and vegetables.