Frost damage will lead to a decline in production and exports
The export forecasts of blueberries are downgraded.
ABC (Argentinean Blueberry Committee) has reviewed its exports downwards, because of frosts experienced in July and August. ABC now expects a decline of 900 tonnes of exports, representing 7% of the annual total (14 000 tonnes), while its estimates at the beginning of September reported -1%.
The weather of the fall and early winter had caused an advance of maturity. Then a cold wave in July (temperature -2 ° / -3 °) followed by another in mid-August (temperatures -5 ° / -6 °) and last in late August (temperatures -4 ° / - 5 °) have damaged crops in most producing regions ( particularly regions Entre Ríos and Corrientes).
The harvest began, the production will gain strength every week to reach its peakin in week 43.
source : agronota com