Live from Macfrut (Rimini): Emirates SkyCargo know-how for the transportation of perishable goods
United Arab Emirates
Wednesday 08 May 2019
Its network and equipment allow Emirates SkyCargo to deliver fruits and vegetables anywhere in the world.
Emirates SkyCargo, which handles exports of fresh Kenyan mangoes (26,000 tonnes per year) to the 5 continents, has the know-how and equipment to deliver fresh fruit worldwide.
Emirates SkyCargo exhibits Hall B2 booth 026 presenting its products and services. The airline has created a 3-level solution (Fresh, Fresh Breathe, Fresh Active) to preserve all their qualities to products (fruits, meats, flowers).
Thanks to an integrated cold chain, expert staff and a temperature-controlled storage system, the products benefit from every step of the way to ensure the maintenance of quality and freshness.