The citrus export campaign has just begun
New season and new provisions for Moroccan citrus exports.
With 1 month lag compared to the previous season ( October 13 instead of September 13 ) , the export of citrus has just begun in Morocco.
The main reason is to avoid quality problems encountered during the previous season. ASPAM (Association of Citrus Producers Morocco ) has implemented a new system of export management . Among the new measures , examinations of fruit quality ( ripeness , flavor , color , firmness and traceability) and strengthening the control of chemical residues.
This year the Ministry of agriculutre will not report data for crop forecasting. However professionals believe the 2014/15 citrus production will be lower than the previous season ( 2.2 million tonnes ), exports should therefore fall compared to 2013/14 ( 585,000 tonnes).
source : leconomiste com, media 24 com