Spain exceeds €18 billion in exports by 2024
According to FEPEX estimates, exports grew by 6% in value last year, imports also grew by 12%.
Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables increased by 6% to exceed 18,000 million euros, according to estimates by the Spanish exporters' federation FEPEX. At the same time, imports have risen sharply by 12% up to October. There has also been growing concern about determining factors in the production area, such as the lack of phytosanitary and water resources.
8% more in volume
The export of fruit and vegetables in 2024 will grow by 6% in value compared to 2023, according to FEPEX forecasts based on official data from January to October and an estimate of the months of November and December. The volume will also rise, around 8% and will exceed 12 million tons. Imports will maintain the high growth of recent years. From January to October fruit and vegetable imports have grown by 6.5% in volume over the same period last year, totaling 3.6 million tons, increasing the value almost doubled, 12%, reaching 4,087 million euros.
More limiting factors affecting production
The factors affecting production are also increasing: the shortage of water resources, the lack of workers and the increase in labor costs and the lack of phytosanitary products. They increasingly reduce the ability to produce in sufficient quantities and in an efficient and safe manner. FEPEX warns that labor can account for up to 45% of costs in some crops. It also appreciates the withdrawal of the European Commission regarding the draft Regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products, presented in June 2022 and withdrawn in February 2024. He hopes that the new European Commission, which took office on 1 2025, will present a new regulatory text, which takes into account the conditions of production in the EU, which is subject to greater legislative pressure than in third countries.
More standards reduce competitiveness
The existing disparity between the phytosanitary, labor, social ... standards required in the EU, which are not required in third countries of origin of EU imports makes producers of Member States are increasingly less competitive, Therefore, FEPEX considers a priority that, given the growing threat posed by countries that are purely exporting and oriented to the EU market, such as Morocco or some members of Mercosur, concrete measures to improve competitiveness, among which are, reducing the bureaucratic burden and hyper-regulation are raised.
Community preference
In trade policy, the revitalization of the Community preference, based on the application of safeguard measures when imports reach volumes that cause serious market disturbances or serious damage to Community production, is required. In addition, trade agreements with third countries should establish reciprocity measures in the most sensitive areas, particularly in the phytosanitary and environmental fields.