MACFRUT 2019 presentation tour continues in Africa
Monday 28 January 2019
From left to right : Director of participation in trade fairs, Mrs. Valentina Piraccini, head of Macfrut's foreign office, Ms. Fatou Mbaye Diallo, promotion director of Cosec (Senegalese Agency for Promotion), Renzo Piraccini, president of Macfrut, Lamine Lo, director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Since 2012, Senegal has been participating in MACFRUT, whose next edition will highlight sub-Saharan Africa, and has been chosen as Continent partner for the 2019 fair. Senegal will be present with a very large number of companies.
The Macfrut 2019 tour of Africa continues with a stopover in Senegal. The mission made it possible to meet operators and institutions from this country, which exported more than 120,000 tons of fresh Fruits & Vegetables in 2018.
The main Senegalese products exported are melons, watermelons, green beans and mangoes. The country also imports fruit from Europe, mainly apples and kiwis.
Local operators are also interested in Macfrut for the packaging and technologies of which Italy is a world leader.