Creation of the Chilean Committee of the Kiwi
Tuesday 27 April 2010
The objective of the committee is to increase the competitiveness of the Chilean kiwi.
Producers, packagers and exporters representing more than 85 % of the exports of fresh kiwi, united their strengths to form the Chilean Committee of the kiwi (Chiliean Kiwifruit committee).
This new Committee was formed with the help and the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Association of the Chilean exporters (ASOEX) and the Chiliean Fruit Growers Federation (Fedefruta).
The Committee settled as objective to raise the standards of quality and to finance programs of marketing and promotion for the development of the international markets.
"The kiwi industry did not stop growing throughout the last years, also the concerted action of the producers and the exporters will help to improve the quality standards and the perception of the Chilean kiwi on the foreigns markets" underlined Rodrigo Echeverria, President of Fedefruta.
Source: 21food com