The embargo has also made some happy
Food productions experiencing a "boom" unprecedented in Russia.
If our Western perspective, the Russian economy seems less flourishing, this is not true for all activities. All the food production sectors (meat, cereals, sugar, fruits, vegetables) are in the process of knowing a renaissance.The embargo, monetary crisis and a wave of nationalism are consumers choose local products rather than foreign imports.
The website "Moscow Times" recency few companies experiencing exceptional period: Cherkizovo (turnover + 195%), Miratorg (+ 100%), Razgulay (142%), Russkoe (+ 70%).
The trend is such that the chief economist of Citibank in Moscow advises the food production sector for investment to make in 2015. For food price inflation, analysts predict it will peak at more than 15% this year while the Economic Development Ministry predicts a rate of 23% by July.
soruce : moscow times