The consumption of organic products continues to grow
In a French food market judged morose, good news enliven the table: organic products continues to grow.
The Bio Agency, Agency for the development and promotion of organic agriculture, national information platform, has released its figures concerning the 2013 organic market.
French consumer purchases rose by +9% to € 4.35 billion, which represents 2.5% of the total food market. Henceforth 1 French from 4 consumes regularly organic products at least 1 time per week, and 1 French from 10 states to consume every day.
According to the sectors, the market share of organic products is more or less important: up to 15% for eggs, 9% for milk , 6% for the 14 fruits and vegetables most consumed in France (excluding citrus and bananas ).
On the production side, at the end of 2013 certified organic surfaces have reached 931,675 hectares and 129,892 hectares were in convertion. Nearly 75% of organic products consumed in France are produced in France. The share of 25% is made up of imported products in short supply or not available in the area, because of the climate.
source : agence bio