Logistics service provider GONDRAND expects to occupy its new site in Moerdijk.
The Gondrand Group is an international forwarding and logistics provider for overland transport, sea freight, air freight and contract logistics.
Over the past 150 years, Gondrand has evolved from a traditional haulage company to a global player in the field of integrated logistics. Headquartered in Basel (Switzerland), the Gondrand Group stands at the center of a world-spanning network, with over 60 branches worldwide and a 650-plus headcount.
As the demand for storage facilities for sensitive chemicals has grown enormously, particularly in Europe, in terms of this development, Gondrand Traffic B.V. is looking ahead and is building a state of the art logistics building-about 30 kilometres south of Rotterdam.
The approx. 32,000 m² offer sufficient warehousing capacity for hazardous goods of ADR classes 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 6.1, 8, and 9, as well as diverse refrigerated compartments ranging from 5-15 °C. If needed, the new construction can be extended by an additional 10,000 m².
For more details visit www. gondrand-logistics.com
Tel Switzerland: +41 22 885 96 00
Tel Netherlands: +31 168 393 939