A huge amount of Arteverde artichokes coming from Sardinia
Arteverde, a brand by OP (that is, Producers' Organisation) Agrigest, is being introduced at full blast in Italy and Europe, in particular in France and in the Central European region, with both fresh and cut & ready for use artichokes, produced directly.
Arteverde groups about 20 agricultural producers associated in the OP Agrigest, all well established companies, holding large territories in the Medio Campidano, the largest plains of Sardinia. The area, a former marsh that was reclaimed, very rich in water, benefits from an excellent micro-climate for the cultivation of artichokes, asparagus and tomatoes.
These professionals, very skilled in the production of 8 varieties of artichokes, and asparagus and tomatoes, understood that unity is strength to propose to large distribution. Large distribution, in fact, asks for products every day, and products must have certain characteristics of stabilization and organoleptic quality. In addition, it tends to communicate with specific partners for distribution and marketing. Thanks to creating this OP, cultivating and transforming the products for the 4^ range, now the Arteverde products are available on the shelves of supermarkets, even in the very practical packaging of artichokes peeled and ready for use, of different varieties (Tema, Terom,...), depending on the period. The greatly appreciated prickly artichoke is coming soon!