Major avocado exporting regions of Peru
Thursday 01 December 2022
The main exporting regions of Peruvian avocado are La Libertad, Lima, Lambayeque, as well as Ica and Áncash.(
From January to September 2022, Peruvian avocado exports totaled $976 million, according to the Monthly Foreign Trade Report, prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).
In the analyzed period, avocado shipments constituted 10.2% of the country's total agricultural exports.
The main exporting regions of Peruvian avocado are La Libertad, Lima, Lambayeque, as well as Ica and Áncash.
33% of total exports come from La Libertad. By the end of the third quarter, shipments from there generated $320 million.
Lima represents 22% of Peruvian avocado exports. This region generated $212 million in the analyzed period of 2022.
Lambayeque concentrates 17% ($172 million), Ica, 15% ($146 million) and Ancash, 5% ($51 million).