Volumes of apple storage are declining in the United States
United States
Wednesday 15 December 2021
The volume in the hands of the transformers is 44.2 million bushels (42 lbs = 19.05 kg), which represents a variation of 0.6% with respect to the inventories reported in December 2020 and a variation of 5,4% compared to the five-year average.
(Photo : usapple.org).
According to the latest data from USApple, the storage volume of fresh apples is down this year from the previous year and is 11.4% below the five-year average.
The USApple Tracker report shows apple storage levels in the United States. According to these data, as of December 1, 2021, the volume of fresh apples stored was 100.2 million bushels (42 lbs = 19.05 kg), a variation of -2.6% compared to December 2020 and of - 11.4% compared to the 5-year average.
The volume available to processing companies is 44.2 million bushels (42 lbs = 19.05 kg), which represents a variation of 0.6% with respect to the inventories reported in December 2020 and a variation of the 5.4% compared to the five-year average.
The total volume (fresh apples + apples for the industry) is 144.4 million bushels, -1.6% compared to December 2020 and -6.8% compared to the 5-year average.
According to USApple, this report includes more than 95% of the national storage capacity.
See the full report by USApple Tracker here
source : usapple.org