UNITEC solutions also make it possible to classify apples according to consumer taste
Friday 18 November 2022
FJ | Unitec S.p.a.
UNITEC offers systems that classify fruit according to consumer taste and solutions that automate the packaging process.
UNITEC believes that the future of the apple business will be linked to a coherent response to consumer needs. With the Apples Sort 3 and UNIQ Apples solutions from UNITEC's Unisorting brand, it is possible to classify fruits according to consumer taste.
At Interpoma (November 17-19), UNITEC presents the Apples Sort 3 and UNIQ Apples solutions of its Unisorting brand, allowing to sort the internal and external quality characteristics of each apple variety. With the possibility of classifying the quality on the basis of minimum thresholds or intervals with respect to the main parameters, but also by the possibility of managing these parameters in different combinations to determine quality clusters that can precisely satisfy each consumer target.
The different combinations of sugar content, acidity and firmness, for example, determine specific and differentiated taste perceptions; their classification in relation to the main consumer targets makes it possible to select products that better meet the needs of each customer segment and, consequently, to obtain greater buyer satisfaction and greater willingness to pay for the recognized superior value.
For each variety of apple, Unisorting has implemented a series of totally dedicated and specialized software, in order to offer high-performance responses to each individual requirement. Thus, the innovative solutions Apples Sort 3 and UNIQ Apples Unisorting, not only treat the apples with the greatest delicacy while preserving their total integrity, but are also able to carry out a precise sorting of the external and internal quality parameters and to their combinations (dry matter, firmness, Brix degree, in addition to size, color and shape); internal fruit defects, such as bruises, flaws and damage to the pulp; external defects, skin defects which may result from hail, abrasions or the like.
In addition, UNITEC has also responded to the growing challenges in terms of availability and labor costs by automating each phase of the process. Unisorting has a solid and long experience in packaging systems, especially for apples. Unisorting apple packaging lines are designed to allow quality and cost-effective packaging in the different types of packaging: packaging in trays, trays, sachets or others.
In recent years, UNITEC has also created and launched the UNI Robotics division, developing anthropomorphic technological solutions, able to automate and eliminate all the alienating and exhausting manual operations for the personnel involved, with a considerable reduction in the possibilities of errors and costs for businesses.
It is therefore an integrated system of solutions for the apple sector that UNITEC offers which further strengthens its connection with the market. Always listening to its customers, UNITEC has developed, entirely in-house, innovative solutions able to process more than 50 types of fruit, from the smallest to the largest.