The West African countries gather for an Alliance of Mango
Friday 15 July 2016
To improve, consolidate and promote the regional supply of mango in international markets, a new structure was created in West Africa.
Armao (Regional Alliance Mango West Africa) brings Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali and Senegal. The objective of the Alliance is to better know the West African mango, improve production, produce for 12 months and export for 12 months. Enjoying the diffferents production schedules in these 8 countries.
The West Africa has an annual production of about 1.3 million tonnes of mangoes, almost 4% of world production. But post-harvest losses are high (often between 40% and 50%) and only 40 000 tonnes of fresh mangoes are exported (5.4%), and 50 000 tonnes were processed (6.8%).
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