Significant decrease in hazelnuts 2016 harvest
Saturday 06 August 2016
The season of hazelnuts in the Black Sea began on August 3rd for orchards of the coast, to continue from the 8th, 13th and 20th of August, according to the exposure of orchards to be exported and from the 10th of August, according to the responsible Commission to determine harvest and export dates.
There should be a downward revision of this first estimate, already below 180 000 tonnes in the previous season. Frost and moisture-related diseases are responsible for this decrease. Prices should be satisfactory for producers. The first price quickly doubled when a possible fall in production was announced.
According to the President of the Chamber of Agriculture of Ordu, one of the main producing regions of Turkey, this season should be similar to the, catastrophic, 2014. The spot checks show that orchards normally produced 2 tons of hazelnuts, and this year only 300 kilos will be harvestable.
Source : Haber Gazetesi