Citronex started production in its new complex
Monday 09 March 2015
FJ | Citronex Group
Citronex produces quality tomatoes with its new ultra-modern greenhouse complex.
The greenhouse complex Citronex installed in Bogatynia is one of the most modern in Europe for the production of tomatoes and cucumbers.
It is installed on the German-Polish border, Bogatynia, near the power plant Turów. Greenhouses utlisent waste heat from electricity production. This creates ideal conditions for growing vegetables.
Citronex put on a production favoring taste and quality. For the winter season only one variety was cultivated which is very popular among Polish consumers, the variety Malinowe. The production is marketed under the new brand "pomidory Polskie" (Polish tomatoes).
For the future Citronex plans to expand its greenhouses complex, with a target of 100 hectares term. The company can capture a significant share of the domestic market and exports begin to neighboring countries.
source :, citronex pl