Live from Fructidor visit in Turkey: Development in South-East Turkey
Here the weather is fine again, so the citrus fruit harvest will start again.
Last week, the rain poured down and endangered the lemons and mandarines harvest. The stocks were very low in the depots.
Everything went back to normal by the beginning of this week. The economic situation is just like everywhere, less serious companies suffered the market difficulties, much serious companies have no problem, they flourish and take advantage of this to renovate and extend.
For instance, the company Aygar from Mersin double its depot area to 10 000 sqm, which represents a volume capacity of 30 000 tons. The depot is equipped with a state-of-the-art calibrator.
Mr Ercan Aygar said he doesn't want the matter to rest there, he intends to go on extending with the building of a 3 000 sqm cold room. Considering that their own production is up to 6 000 tons of citrus fruit, the extensions had to be done.