The demand for organic is growing, the local production lagging behind
Sales of organic foods are booming in Germany, as imports of fruits and vegetables needed to meet demand.
The study conducted by the University of Bonn reveals the boom of sales of organic food, in six years sales jumped by 30%. The Germans spent 7 billion € in 2012 that is 73.60 € per person, ranking on top of the European average of 28€ per person and per year, but still behind Denmark and Switzerland.
This sales boom is not fully benefiting the German agriculture. The country imports massively: 48% organic carrots consumed in Germany come from the Netherlands, Italy and Israel. 28% of potatoes arrive from Austria, Israel and Egypt.
German production is not therefore sufficient to meet demand, although organic agricultural areas doubled between 2000 and 2012. Neighboring countries, Poland and some Baltic countries have increased since 2004 their farm acreage devoted to bio by +300% and +500%.
source : local de, deustche welle de