One-third of the harvest has been lost due to adverse weather
Tuesday 24 August 2010
Important losses for harvests of tomatoes (30 %), cherries (80 %) and stone fruits (30 %).
One-third of this year's fruit and vegetable harvest has been lost in Hungary due to adverse weather conditions, with losses of up to 80% in the case of certain crops said the head of Hungary's Fruit and Vegetable Council (Fruitveb).
This year's average yields show that the harvest is around 30% less than last year's and 40-50% less than the average of the past ten years.
30% of the harvest of tomatoes and sweetcorn, 40% of peas and 11-15% of the harvest of peppers and cabbages has been lost this year compared to last year.
Fruit growers have suffered even bigger losses as 80% of the harvest of cherries, 40% of sour cherries and 30% of the harvest of apricots, peaches and plums has been lost.
Apple growers project a harvest of 300,000 tons of apples this year compared to 500,000 tons last year.
source : budapest business journal