The combined audit for food safety and sustainability is now available from GLOBALG.A.P. and SAI Platform
The new solution for food safety and sustainability was announced by GLOBALG.A.P. and SAI Platform’s Farm Sustainability Assessment program (FSA) on October 9th, 2017 at ANUGA trade fair (Cologne, Germany). Now farmers using GLOBALG.A.P. can achieve industry-wide sustainability recognition by answering just a few additional FSA-inspired questions. The combined audit was developed in response to global industry needs. This full integration of FSA and GLOBALG.A.P. Certification is an important step forward for food supply chains around the world. With one audit, farms can demonstrate GLOBALG.A.P. compliance and up to the highest level of FSA equivalence, while integrating food safety and sustainability in one on-farm approach.
Buyers that want to make sustainability claims about their produce can require the growers in their supply chains to complete the FSA 'Add-on'. The Add-on ensures that a range of additional on-farm environmental best-practice is delivered, including responsible management of water and protecting and encouraging biodiversity.
Companies wanting to make FSA claims, are also seeing the business benefits due to its promise to be simple. GLOBALG.A.P. auditors are enabled to check the additional FSA questions at the same time as the standard GLOBALG.A.P. audit. This combined one-stop audit drives a more efficient supply chain allowing resources to be freed up for improvement with no extra effort.
"Having implemented GLOBALG.A.P.’s food safety and farm assurance system, I have seen how, with little additional efforts, our farmers were able to add proof for the additional sustainability points during the trial assessments of the new joint product," said Dr. Elmé Coetzer-Boersma, Vice President and Chief Standards Officer at GLOBALG.A.P. "They can now respond to the growing demand to verify on-farm sustainability and connect to more customers."
Contact: GLOBALG.A.P., Germany
Mrs Claudia Meifert
+49 (0) 221-57993-997